"I always felt out of place in 20th-century abstract expresssionism Art, which negates all the well-established rules agreed upon over milleniums.
Art was born universally figurative, 35,000 years ago, without consensus or other possible influence. Throughout the ages, painters and sculptors have used nature as a means of expressing their feelings, their emotions and their thoughts. Abstact expressionism surfaced in the aftermath of WW II, in 1945, and lasted only 50 years. It was art for greed, the ludicrous art of the "Nouveau riche" and of the "Snobs" (contraction of "Sans" (without) Noblesse"). It was the era of paintings and sculptures sold as investment, often over the telephone !
As for my contribution to this half-century, I would describe myself as an "intimate hyper-figurative" painter and sculptor. I am in love with nature and its laws; I paint and sculpt "woman" the most beautiful subject ever given to artists, because it is inexhaustible and eternal. I am neither a sculptor nor a painter of my time, but of all time !" Aslan January 200 |